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Insights, Tips, and Tricks for Prestashop | FMEModules Blog

This blog will explore some important tips and related SEO modules for PrestaShop store optimization. Implement perfect SEO strategies to boost your search engine rankings.

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If you’re not using a Prestashop private shop strategy, you might be missing out on significant opportunities. The PrestaShop Private Shop Module offers a complete solution to enhance your B2B e-commerce operations. It ensures that you stay ahead in the competitive market.

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Creating Prestashop SEO friendly URLs is essential for improving your website’s visibility and user experience. This comprehensive guide delves into the importance of Prestashop Friendly URLs in SEO, offering best practices and advanced techniques to ensure your URLs are optimized.

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A detailed comparison of top five friendly url modules for PrestaShop. Includes pretty url by fme, Advanced SEO Friendly URLs, URL Cleaner – SEO Performance, Awesome URL and Knowband SEO Pro modules.

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In the age of omnichannel retail, integrating a store locator into your ecommerce platform is crucial for success. This blog explores eight compelling reasons why a store locator Prestashop is essential for your business. From facilitating quick purchase decisions and saving customers time and money, to increasing in-store traffic and enhancing trust, a store locator highly improves the shopping experience.

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Custom registration fields for your PrestaShop store are essential for enhancing customer insights and improving marketing strategies. By using the Custom Registration Form, you can effortlessly gather detailed customer data, allowing you to redefine your target market, restructure your marketing strategies, and enhance customer service.

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Discover the five best SEO modules for PrestaShop that can boost your store's online visibility and sales. These modules offer features like automatic sitemap generation, multilingual meta descriptions, and efficient keyword optimization, saving you the hassle of manual SEO efforts. Choose the right SEO tool to enhance your PrestaShop store's performance and customer engagement.

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A discussion regarding the Best 5 Store Locator PrestaShop modules listed by FMM. Includes FMM Store Locator, Prestashoppe Store Locator, Webkul Store Locator, Bontheme Store Locator, themevolty Store Locator.

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This blog will be a complete guide for those who might be facing issues with website redirection issues. It will explain the importance of different types of redirects, best practices to implement redirects, and last but not the least redirection module by FMEModules.

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This blog will guide on how you can gain the attention of the customers towards your shop using Prestashop labels and stickers, its importance, pros and cons and finally how you can improve your sales.

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This blog emphasize the importance of promotions in e-commerce and introduces product labels as a powerful tool to enhance visibility and drive sales. Key benefits of using product labels include increased visibility, improved user experience, higher conversion rates, and enhanced branding.

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This blog highlights the dynamic nature of e-commerce and underscores the significance of knowing customer preferences. It examines how custom checkout fields in PrestaShop improve data collection, personalize shopping experiences, streamline order processing, and increase conversion rates.

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This blog aims to enlighten readers on the critical role of budget in website's SEO. Learn how to effectively implement optimal strategies and utilize top-tier tools for website optimization. By implementing best practices, you can significantly boost conversion rates.

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FME Modules partnership with PrestaShop is becoming stronger and stronger to deliver top-notch solutions that empower online businesses worldwide.

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Presenting our customers with our very new module Prestashop Admin Mobile App. Manage Your PrestaShop Store From Anywhere with the All-New Prestashop Admin Mobile App (Coming Soon!).

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This blog is all about guiding the readers to choose the right ecommerce shopping cart system for your stores. In detail factors to consider while selecting a shopping cart system. Explore some shopping cart softwares in details.

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This blog emphasizes the importance of SEO strategies in maximizing the success of e-commerce websites. The PrestaShop SEO Module is recommended as a vital tool for streamlining SEO efforts. Continuous refinement and adaptation of SEO tactics are emphasized to sustain visibility and drive revenue in the ever-evolving digital landscape.

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PrestaShop is a superhero for online stores, simplifying setup while emphasizing the importance of communication. Push notifications act as friendly nudges, enhancing connectivity between stores and shoppers.

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B2B modules are essential for businesses navigating the high-tech world of ecommerce. Serving as behind-the-scenes choreographers, these modules streamline transactions, enhance efficiency, and foster seamless collaboration, positioning companies to lead in an evolving business landscape.

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PrestaShop mobile app serve as superheroes, forging lasting connections beyond mere transactions, turning shopping into personalized adventures with VIP messages, loyalty programs, and seamless integration, ensuring a smooth experience. Let us explore how one can build stronger connections with customers with PrestaShop Mobile App

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Welcome to the dynamic world of online selling with PrestaShop, where your store sails through the digital landscape like a ship navigating the vast ocean. Here, SEO acts as the guiding compass, ensuring your store is easily found amidst the online crowd, while content marketing serves as the colorful flags that catch the eye of potential customers

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Explore the power of local SEO for PrestaShop and learn effective strategies to attract nearby customers to your online store. This guide unveils essential techniques for optimizing your PrestaShop site to reach and engage local audiences, enhancing your visibility and driving more foot traffic to your virtual storefront.

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Uncover the secrets behind PrestaMobApp as we delve into how this mobile application is transforming the shopping process. This summary offers a snapshot of the innovative technology, user-centric features, and personalized services that make PrestaMobApp a groundbreaking solution for seamless and enjoyable online shopping

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Why is this PrestaShop partnership thing so important, you ask? Think of it as joining forces with other online stakeholders – businesses, agencies, and experts. It's not just about being partners; it's about growing together and standing out in the vast online landscape.

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This article explores the evolving landscape of link building for PrestaShop stores, emphasizing the shift from quantity to quality.

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This article introduces the concept of rich snippets as a powerful tool for enhancing the visibility of online stores, particularly in the PrestaShop platform.

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This article explores the significance of push notifications in the online shopping world, emphasizing their role in improving conversion rates. It highlights the power of timely notifications, creating a sense of urgency and showcasing real examples of successful strategies.

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This article emphasizes the pivotal role of SEO in promoting online stores, likening it to magic that illuminates products in the vast digital landscape. It delves into common SEO mistakes and how to overcome those mistakes.

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This article underscores the crucial role of Local SEO in boosting online visibility for stores, particularly in connecting with nearby customers seeking local experiences.

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This article explores the significance of SEO for PrestaShop Mobile Apps, emphasizing the analogy of apps as books in a vast library and the importance of effective keyword research.

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Get to know about optimizing a Prestashop store and some must have features in the Prestashop SEO Optimizer module, that will help someone to optimize your online store.

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Get to know the importance of a perfect id free url for better use by users. Get to know how you can craft your url structures according to the users that will give them ease to navigate freely on your site.

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This blog will be helpful for a mobile app lover, get to know about the features required and must to have in prestashop mobile app builder.

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Mastering keyword research is like wielding a superpower in the vast online market, acting as a secret code that guides customers to your digital doorstep.

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Get to know how to integrate an optimized and well written blog to your website. The features of blogs using prestashop blog modules are discussed in this blog and about the integration on a live website.

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In this blog, you will get to know about the issues regarding duplicate urls and other technical seo issues occurring while dealing with an ecommerce store. You will know the solution in order to resolve these seo issues while using prestashop friendly url modules.

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It is all about how you can optimize your Prestashop website or ecommerce store for better conversions. Know the on-page tips and tricks especially for upcoming year to step ahead from competitors. Use Prestashop SEO Optimizer module to perform your on-page and off-page seo.

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Let us know about the importance of having a blog especially if you have a Prestashop website or blog. This blog will describe the best ways to build and run a professional blog.

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The article introduces the PrestaShop HTML Box as a powerful tool for customizing online stores. It emphasizes the HTML box's role in breaking away from standard templates, allowing users to personalize their store's design with creative elements such as fonts, colors, and content sections.

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The article emphasizes the role of a blog as a friendly guide in the vast online marketplace and introduces PrestaShop as a storyteller for online stores, adding a personal touch to product promotion.

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This blog emphasize the crucial role of conversion rates in turning website visitors into customers. PrestaShop Quote Module features, optimal placement strategies, and best practices for implementation are discussed in detailed here in this blog.

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In this article, the importance of customer satisfaction in online shopping is explored, emphasizing the creation of a positive customer experience. The focus is on the PrestaShop pre-order module, presented as a tool to enhance online shopping for both merchants and customers.

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In the ever-evolving realm of e-commerce, one of the pivotal decisions businesses face on the Magento platform is whether to display product prices openly or strategically conceal them. This article explores the delicate balance between transparency and strategy, unraveling the implications of the dilemma surrounding product price visibility in Magento.

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Elevate your PrestaShop mobile app experience with the transformative power of push notifications. Dive into the benefits of push notifications which makes your application not just a store but an engaging experience.

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Dive into the keyword game, learn the art of storytelling, and let PrestaShop SEO Module guide your online journey, ensuring your products take center stage in the vast digital landscape.

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PrestaShop's Review Module introduces visual testimonials as the new heroes in the online shopping story, transforming regular reviews into a captivating narrative where pictures take center stage.

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PrestaShop Geo IP block functions as the superhero shield for your online store, warding off digital troublemakers like sneaky bots and unauthorized users. It acts as a bouncer, distinguishing between legitimate and malicious visitors.

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Introducing the Prestashop Help Desk as a key player in elevating customer support, highlighting its new features like improved message appearance, image sharing, and Google Recaptcha. The article explores the benefits of implementing Prestashop Help Desk, and the best practices for optimal usage, positioning Help Desk as more than a tool but a superhero squad.

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The PrestaShop Product Comparison Module enhances the shopping experience by allowing customers to easily compare desired number of products side by side. This blog will describe the module's features in details and its benefits. Also you will be able to know the impact of using comparison module on your store's sales and ultimately user satisfaction.

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PrestaShop Free Shipping module is a powerful plugin that enables online merchants to offer a hassle free shipping experience to their customers. Learn the benefits and features of the module in this blog.

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Elevate your online store's branding experience with the PrestaShop Brand Plus Module. Effortlessly enable customers to explore products by brand through a customizable slider on the Home page, product pages, and category pages. This blog will guide you how to configure the module on your store and make use of it.

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The PrestaShop Call for Price module discreetly conceals product prices, replacing the add to cart button with customizable text like "Call for Price." Get to know the circumstances where you can make use of this module, its benefits and the challenges where this module could be helpful to you.

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Enhance your store with the PrestaShop Home Tabs Module, featuring an appealing block for custom product tabs. Create unlimited tabs, assign specific products, customize tab headings and content, and control product display limits.

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Enhance your online store's social media presence with the Twitter Card and Facebook Graph PrestaShop Module. Take control of how your site appears on social platforms by customizing titles, descriptions, and images, ensuring accurate and personalized representation when shared on Facebook or Twitter.

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Let's talk about PrestaShop which is like the superhero of online shops. You know, the one that helps people sell stuff online? Your online store is like a big city. And if it's all messy and confusing, it's wont be a fun place for your customers to explore. So, what's the key to a happy online city?

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Many websites are constantly in a battle to jostle for attention where SEO works as a north star to guide them in the digital world. Search Engine Optimization isn't just a buzzword but the secret sauce behind online visibility. It is like the meticulous gardener tending to the web's greenery to ensure your content blossoms at the top of search results.

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This article highlights the crucial role of customer support in the bustling world of e-commerce, emphasizing importance of PrestaShop's FAQ Module. The article concludes by exploring features that make PrestaShop's FAQ Module a game-changer, turning FAQs into a transformative, interactive, and community-driven experience in the digital realm.

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PrestaShop Call Back Form Module allows users to put a call back request on a website filling a form. This blog will describe the methodologies to increase customer's engagement with the help of Call Back module.

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Enhance user interaction on your stores with the PrestaShop Product Video Module, a powerful tool that simplifies the addition or embedding of videos. This module facilitates the creation of engaging product video galleries. This blog will briefly describe the functionalities and advantages of the module.

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This article emphasizes the important role of the My Account page in an online store and highlights the limitations of the default My Account Page in Prestashop. It discusses the importance of customization using the Prestashop My Account module, citing benefits such as personalized user experiences, enhanced branding, improved navigation, and trust-building.

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Prestashop Composite Product Builder empowers merchants to enhance their products by creating packs and bundles with additional items. This feature enables businesses to effortlessly boost the average cart value, providing a versatile tool for presenting and selling products in customized combinations. Lets discuss the module usage, settings and pro's & con's in detail.

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The Prestashop Video Gallery is a vital asset in e-commerce, utilizing visual content as the key to online success. This video module becomes essential in captivating potential customers within the crucial 5 seconds of their website visit. This blog is all about the discussion that how a video module will boost an online store.

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This article will explains how to implement and manage product sales based on weight, length, and area measurements within the PrestaShop e-commerce platform. By enabling merchants to sell products by these varying metrics, PrestaShop empowers e-commerce businesses to offer a more versatile and customer-friendly shopping experience.

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This topic explores the strategy of using live sales popups to boost conversion rates in online businesses. Live sales popups are real-time notifications that display recent customer purchases or actions, creating a sense of urgency and social proof for website visitors.

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Will discuss the importance of leveraging PrestaShop modules to enhance the performance and functionality of a B2B (business-to-business) e-commerce platform. The Prestashop modules are designed to streamline processes, boost efficiency, and ultimately contribute to the success of B2B e-commerce ventures.

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Explore how PrestaShop Contact Form Modules enhance user experience and boost customer engagement. Learn how streamlined communication and user-friendly interfaces can benefit your online business.

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Discover the power of PrestaShop product tabs module to enhance your online store. Organize product information efficiently, streamline navigation, and inform customers effectively for a more user-friendly and sales-driven e-commerce experience.

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The PrestaShop Countdown Timer Module is the perfect choice for any store owner who wants to set countdowns for promotions, flash sales, or limited-time offers. This blog will tell you in detail, about the usage of countdown timer module.

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Affiliate marketing is an intricate collaboration in the digital world where a marketer is given a distinct link to promote products and services, and get a fixed or percentage amount of sales as a commission if users buy the offerings using that specific links and URLs.

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Online marketplaces have emerged as thriving hubs of commerce in a world where the digital realm is bustling with possibilities. Just picture a virtual bazaar where many vendors showcase their wares, creating a kaleidoscope of choices for eager shoppers

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Discover the power of related products in the dynamic realm of e-commerce. Prestashop 8.0 isn't just an upgrade; it's a seamless alignment with the evolving demands of digital retail. The guide will explain in detail that how you could add related products to your ecommerce stores.

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This detailed guide will give you a deep understanding about how you can setup customer groups and product restrictions in your Prestashop stores. Some benefits some short comings and some other strategies are discussed here so that you will get help to elevate your online store's performance.

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Adding popups to your website or e-Store will create an eye-catching effect and ultimately enhances the User experience. This article will help you to configure the popups on your PrestaShop stores.

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PrestaShop Events Calendar Module is a useful tool that is developed for helping store merchants to create events in their stores. It allows store managers to strengthen their marketing strategy by creating a multitude of events to boost revenues and sales.

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This blog will allow you to understand the importance of applying Quotation feature to your PrestaShop store. You will discover the power of applying diverse pricing strategies to optimize your PrestaShop store's performance and boost sales.

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Prestashop Restrict Payment Methods module is an extension or add-on for Prestashop that enables store owners to manage and limit the payment methods available to customers during the checkout process. This step by step guide will allow you to understand how would you be able to configure this payment method restriction on your store.

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E-commerce has grown exponentially in today’s fast-paced digital environment, transforming how businesses operate, and consumers shop. Therefore, it has become important for entrepreneurs and companies to choose the right platform with the increasing demand for online shopping.

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In today's competitive market, staying ahead requires implementing innovative strategies to attract and retain customers. One powerful approach to achieve this is by introducing Gift Cards within your PrestaShop store. This ingenious marketing and customer loyalty initiative have the potential to significantly boost your store sales in a short span of time.

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A personalized HTML block in PrestaShop pertains to a specialized module or functionality that empowers you to integrate custom code into your online store. By leveraging this feature, you gain the ability to fashion tailored blocks that showcase valuable content across various sections of your website.

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Personalizing products is significant for engaging users, simplifying their shopping experience, and increasing conversions. You need to add beauty to your pages with the eye catching design elements and useful features. This blog post lists the top ten modules which will help you to customize products in PrestaShop.

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Empower Your Customers with Unparalleled Freedom Using Preorder and Waiting List PrestaShop Module. It allows you to take orders in advance if the product goes out of stock; it is in shipment or the due process of production and manufacturing. Immerse your customers in a world of possibilities with our revolutionary Preorder and Waiting List PrestaShop Module. Say goodbye to disappointment caused by out-of-stock products and embrace a seamless preorder experience. Use the module to advance your online store with the latest ordering system. Let's explore the remarkable features that await you:

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Discover the ultimate eCommerce showdown of 2023: PrestaShop vs. Magento. Unveiling the key differences, features, and advantages of these leading platforms. Find out which one is the perfect fit for your online store. Read our blog now!

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A mobile app is a step toward business growth and customer retention as it helps you collect a community of active buyers. This guide will help you recognize the importance of a mobile app for your business and how you can develop a PrestaShop Android App for your store.

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Blogging is the need of the hour and the need to educate potential customers with valuable content has made blog section a must-have for online stores. Here is a list of top free Blog modules you can choose from.

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Providing your potential customers with your store's location with Google Maps is mandatory now. This tutorial is going to help you add Google Maps with two methods. Review both methods to go with the one you are comfortable with.

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The registration form of a PrestaShop store has a pre-defined design, layout, and fields. To get the most out of registration forms; you may need to expand, reduce, or modify with personalized fields. This article is going to help you customize the PrestaShop registration form.

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If you need more product details then PrestaShop add custom fields plugin helps you add custom fields to your product pages. In this blog you will get to know how to customize your forms with different custom fields.

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Pursuing PrestaShop Friendly URLs is effective in optimizing your store URLs for better readability and SEO performance. Being one of the pioneering eCommerce platforms, PrestaShop also adds numbers, IDs, and special characters to URLs.

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In this guide you will learn how to install a theme in Prestashop, starting from backing up your website to customizing your new layout. Going through this guide you would be able to create a responsive and unique store for your business that would be as perfect as you are.

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This blog will share some of the best features and benefits that Prestashop have for your next eCommerce venture.

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A person having interest in eCommerce, clearly knows that there isn’t any clear winner between WooCommerce & Prestashop when it comes to comparison. Both have strengths and weaknesses of their own. In this roadblock argument, we are going to discuss which platform is best, Prestashop or WooCommerce in 2023, that will suit well to your needs.

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Your brand needs SEO first, as most of your customers are lurking somewhere online. And SEO is the most effective and viable way to find, and reach your target customers better at the right moment. In this blog six top notch modules on Prestashop are listed with best features.

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There are numerous eCommerce platforms available in the market. If you ask a WordPress web design company, they will say that WordPress is the best. If you ask a Prestashop development company, they will side with Prestashop. In most cases, they give very unconvincing reasons to support their opinion.

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Blogging helps you transform your products and company name into a renowned brand by sharing authoritative, well researched, interactive, engaging and educational content. Most of the retailers, who are not concerned with quality, do not bother to educate their customers in wake of losing them. You can leave them behind by promoting quality traits of different products more openly on your blog.

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How do you feel when someone saves you from the hassle and get things done for you in your rush hours? Of course, you are delighted and forever grateful. As an E-Commerce merchant, you can make your customers feel exactly the same by offering gift wrapping service in your store, preferably for free. It saves customers from the hassle of buying wrapping paper, message cards, and the packaging overhead. This feature comes absolutely handy on occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, and holidays etc., when customers want to send gift cards to their family, friends, and colleagues.

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List of Magento 2 and woocommerce extensions you need to have in your backpack.

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The upcoming release of PrestaShop 1.7 will come up with lots of added features and a default theme that is equally beneficial for merchants and developers.

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PrestaShop is paving the way further for innovations and improvement in the eCommerce industry by holding a community meet up that is going to welcome store managers, web developers, designers, marketing and advertising agencies, and the fans. The event is considered to be as momentous as it was last year when more than 2000 members get together in Central Paris.

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This article entails the series of PrestaShop queries and answers on FMM blog where solutions are provided to the Presta users for their problems and questions.

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Add wings to the sales figures of your online store by setting up affiliates program on your online store. FME PrestaShop Affiliates module can help you to start an affiliate referral program within a few minutes.

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