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Insights, Tips, and Tricks for Prestashop | FMEModules Blog

A person having interest in eCommerce, clearly knows that there isn’t any clear winner between WooCommerce & Prestashop when it comes to comparison. Both have strengths and weaknesses of their own. In this roadblock argument, we are going to discuss which platform is best, Prestashop or WooCommerce in 2023, that will suit well to your needs.

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Your brand needs SEO first, as most of your customers are lurking somewhere online. And SEO is the most effective and viable way to find, and reach your target customers better at the right moment. In this blog six top notch modules on Prestashop are listed with best features.

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There are numerous eCommerce platforms available in the market. If you ask a WordPress web design company, they will say that WordPress is the best. If you ask a Prestashop development company, they will side with Prestashop. In most cases, they give very unconvincing reasons to support their opinion.

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Blogging helps you transform your products and company name into a renowned brand by sharing authoritative, well researched, interactive, engaging and educational content. Most of the retailers, who are not concerned with quality, do not bother to educate their customers in wake of losing them. You can leave them behind by promoting quality traits of different products more openly on your blog.

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How do you feel when someone saves you from the hassle and get things done for you in your rush hours? Of course, you are delighted and forever grateful. As an E-Commerce merchant, you can make your customers feel exactly the same by offering gift wrapping service in your store, preferably for free. It saves customers from the hassle of buying wrapping paper, message cards, and the packaging overhead. This feature comes absolutely handy on occasions like birthdays, anniversaries, weddings, and holidays etc., when customers want to send gift cards to their family, friends, and colleagues.

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List of Magento 2 and woocommerce extensions you need to have in your backpack.

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The upcoming release of PrestaShop 1.7 will come up with lots of added features and a default theme that is equally beneficial for merchants and developers.

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PrestaShop is paving the way further for innovations and improvement in the eCommerce industry by holding a community meet up that is going to welcome store managers, web developers, designers, marketing and advertising agencies, and the fans. The event is considered to be as momentous as it was last year when more than 2000 members get together in Central Paris.

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This article entails the series of PrestaShop queries and answers on FMM blog where solutions are provided to the Presta users for their problems and questions.

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Add wings to the sales figures of your online store by setting up affiliates program on your online store. FME PrestaShop Affiliates module can help you to start an affiliate referral program within a few minutes.

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