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Insights, Tips, and Tricks for Prestashop | FMEModules Blog

PrestaShop One Page Checkout Module has been deemed effective after extensive A/B Testing. To practically demonstrate the effects of non-optimized Checkout pages, a company named Strangeloop coordinated with an online business which was experiencing a sudden drop in conversion rates.

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Studying how event management performed this year, various trends can easily be pointed out which will be critical in future prediction models to gear up for what is yet to come in 2016. There are various categories in which the trends can be classified into: client nature and the events planner itself...

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Checkouts are the final stage which seals the deal between customer and business. This backbone must be strong and secure to ensure customers are attracted towards business. With a great module such as PrestaShop One Page checkout in place, there is no reason visitors will result in cart abandonment from your end or get confused midway in their transactions.

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The slug is a combination of words or a simple phrase that removes the useless signs and defines the actual meaning. For example, a PrestaShop-based online store produce SEO friendly URLs, but still there is an ID number for each post or product.

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Adding FAQs on the product pages with the help of PrestaShop FAQ module, you get twice sales and an optimized conversion rate

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If you are too busy with running your store, we’d like to share a more time-saving solution with you. Explore an Infographic of 17 eCommerce Conversion Boosters.

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Planning a successful event is never easy. There are multitudes of tasks that need to be managed and the slightest hitch can ruin the entire plan. Since most events are planned and advertised digitally nowadays, it stresses extreme importance on how they are handled online.

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There are 7 main mistakes that are often made when designing the checkout page. The good news is they can easily be avoided with just some checkout page modifications and better choices when choosing between options. Following are some of the main mistakes made during the process and how they can not only be avoided. The solutions will not just enhance your checkout page; they will make improve the conversion rate as well.

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The simple structure of a URL means a lot to search engines and readers. A layman is unable to judge such factors, but may unintentionally ignore your website for the same reasons, just because they do not feel comfortable with browsing. Hope so, the above tips will prove helpful for URL optimization and user experience.

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There are times when everything seems to be falling in place and regardless of what comes your way you feel like there isn’t anything that can come between you and your remarkable success.

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