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Insights, Tips, and Tricks for Prestashop | FMEModules Blog

Nowadays several Ecommerce frameworks are available which provide solutions for online businesses, among which PrestaShop, ZenCart, Magento, osCommerce, OpenCart are widely used platforms.

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What’s the most frustrating happening for a web master, an SEO expert, or an eCommerce business owner? Declining sales? Lowering search engine ranks? Fall in website traffic?

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After switching on PrestaShop Ecommerce platform, all you need is to make the online shop workable. For that purpose, it necessitates deployment of those plugins, which are productive as well as attractive. Such type of modules should not only capable to grab attention of viewers, but also provide extended features on online store. With the evolution of several wonderful PrestaShop add-ons, extended features can be easily achieved due to the efforts of individual contributors.

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Given here the 13 SEO Trends You Need to Know About. Following these trends helps you to get better ranking in search engines.

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Top Question Answers about PrestaShop Affiliate Tracking and Pixel . The topics that are covered are: Affiliate Tracking Code, Implementation of tracking pixel, How do you set up the Affiliate Program?

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The latest trend that is followed by well versed shop owners is to allow the customer to customize the products attributes by their own e.g. if customer is buying a shirt, he can insert a logo on it, write something, paste a picture or any style of designing on the shirt. All will be done by the customers and when all customization is done, he can submit it to the admin on the same product page. In result, the same thing will be delivered to the customers. As customers gets full control on their product, so they like to go to such store.

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URL redirect is now considered as an essential task for most of the merchant. Url redirection is the most common task considered when a site got shifted to other domain or there are so many reasons where using Prestashop redirection becomes vital.

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The topic that we selected today for questions answers session is basically an advance functionality of PrestaShop and that is File upload option at different pages of PrestaShop. Being a merchant, sometimes you need to get some files from customers in the form of PDF, excel, video, MP3, JPEG or any of the other file format.

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The idea that is now trending in the market is to hide the shop from general public i.e. they will only see a login page and they need to give the credentials to get into it. Some other merchants allow access to only certain pages of the store and blocking the rest. The idea is very useful for those shop owners who have a strong customer base with limited inventory. So they are allowing access to buy from the store to only their VIP users.

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Today the biggest threat for online stores is spammers and hackers. These people can harm your store in a drastic way. The simple loss of spam is overloaded servers that finally result in handing out your server and store will be down. The biggest losses may be any e.g. stealing out the credit card information and credentials of your customers or they can simply hack your store and can display any type of false information.

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