Prestashop Registration Form| Custom Registration Fields Module

PrestaShop registration form

Prestashop Registration Form| Custom Registration Fields Module

  • best module Customize PrestaShop registration form
  • downloads +233
  • version PrestaShop
    v1.6 - v1.7 - v8.x

PrestaShop Registration Form module allows you to add custom fields on the registration form in order to collect some additional information from customers. Supported field types are: Text Field, Text Area, Date, Message Only, Drop Down, Multiple Select, Yes/No, and Radio/check. Collected information will be displayed in the backend. Click on Demo to see how it works.

  1. Add unlimited number of customer registration fields
  2. Offers dependable fields
  3. Show any field type like Text, Multi-Select, Dropdown, Checkbox, etc
  4. Make fields mandatory & perform automatic data validation
  5. Option to show fields in invoice PDF, “My Account" and order detail Page
  6. Multi-Lingual & Multi-Store Supported
  7. No subscription fee. Free lifetime support and upgrades.

PrestaShop Registration Module by FME is one of the best selling module on PrestaShop Official Marketplace that has crossed 4,500 downloads and has more than 100 reviews by our customers. Click to visit our PrestaShop Registration Form Module on PrestaShop Official Marketplace.

Key Functionalities of PrestaShop Registration Form Module

PrestaShop Registration Form module allows you to acquire the necessary information your organization needs to learn about the customer's behavior and needs. You can customize registration form fields, add and manage the position of the fields wherever you need to place them.

Supported Custom Registration Field Types

  • Dependable Fields
  • Text Field
  • Text Area
  • Date
  • Message Only
  • Drop Down
  • Multiple Select
  • Yes/No
  • Radio and check box fields 
  • Yes/No fields are also now dependable

For detail understanding of module, watch our product video below:

Key Features of PrestaShop Registration Form Module

  • There are no limits to the number of input or output fields you add on the PrestaShop Registration Form module
  • Powerful dependable fields
  • Get the Customer address at registration
  • The validation of input/output is automated
  • Through this PrestaShop Registration Form add a new field registration extension you don’t have to worry about field compatibility
  • Mark a field compulsory or optional to answer
  • Fields can be mandatory for customers at your discretion
  • The backend can receive the additional information, which the admin can access
  • Option to Add image & file upload fields on registration page
  • Admin can set upload size for image & file upload
  • Admin can define the supported format for file upload
  • Admin can download attached file from back office.
  • Admin can edit customer’s fields from back office.
  • Admin can filter customers by registration fields (only text, text area and date type fields can be used as a filter).
  • Admin can make fields non-editable (once filled by customer)
  • Admin can show/hide custom fields on Admin’s Customer Detail Page & Order Detail Page for Admin himself.
  • Admin can enable/disable registration fields My Account & My Information section on front office for customers by using PrestaShop Registration Fields Module
  • Admin can show/hide registration fields on Invoice PDF
  • Option added to create headings for fields to show it like blocks
  • Option added to lock the fields in customer account to restrict editing
  • Option added for an administrator to put max character limit on field
  • Option added to restrict new accounts so they will need validation from admin side
  • Email alerts sent to admin and customer if new registration is restricted
  • Email sent to user once his/her account is approved
  • Option added to auto allocate a customer group to newly registered user
  • Option added to redirect user to any page after new registration
  • Option added to show a message to user once his account is pending approval
  • Enable/Disable additional Group selection on user registration
  • Dependable fields
  • Multi-Store & Multi-Lingual

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