Blog - Gain High Traffic with PrestaShop Blog Module

prestashop blog module

Blog - Gain High Traffic with PrestaShop Blog Module

Over 40 Reviews & 1,500 Downloads on Prestashop Addons
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PrestaShop Blog allows you to publish a fully functional and optimized blog of any type, like articles, news, or product reviews. Configure posts, social sharing widgets, custom blocks, and much more using this responsive & customizable smart blog Prestashop module.

  1. Post Blog Articles using WYSIWYG Editor
  2. Create multiple categories
  3. Display Image Gallery, Videos, Related Products & Related Articles
  4. Add Search, Categories, Archive, Recent Posts & Comment Blocks
  5. Display the Latest Blog Articles On Home & Product Pages
  6. Import Posts from WordPress
  7. Integrated with Built-In SEO Features

Why Choose Us

  1. Best Prices and Offers
  2. Easy to Install with User-friendly interface
  3. No subscription fee
  4. Free lifetime support
  5. Free lifetime updates
  6. Money Back Guarantee
  7. Verified Quality by FME Modules
  8. Multi-Store & Multi-Lingual

Find this smart blog PrestaShop Module via PrestaShop Addons having over 40 reviews and 1500 downloads.

Overview of Prestashop Blog Module

Up to date with SEO Practices, FME is offering a fully functional blog module for PrestaShop. The all-in-one blog module could be working as an alternative to the WordPress. Blog helps a website drive organic traffic and can boost the site’s ranking in SERPs.

Multiple posts could be created along with the addition of images and videos, this makes a blog post to be compelling to readers. Option of creating categories will help admin to better arrange the blogs. Let’s Go through the in detailed features of our professional PrestaShop blog module.

Check out video below for details:

Key Benefits of Blog PrestaShop Module

Setting up a PrestaShop blog: Integrating a blogging platform within PrestaShop store, will enable the admin to publish multi-lingual articles, stories, and news.

  • Integrate images & Videos: Within the blog section, complement the posts with images, and videos to enhance the content.
  • Scheduling posts and related products/posts: Admin can schedule the publication, which will help in content management. Moreover, you can add related products from your PrestaShop store.
  • Facebook comments: Allows readers to add comments using the PrestaShop blog module, it will facilitate social interaction and user engagement.
  • Import WordPress blog: Migrate an existing blog from WordPress to PrestaShop.
  • Display Sliders: Enhance the visual appeal of your PrestaShop blog by presenting image galleries in a slider, making the content more engaging and interactive for visitors.
  • Multi-store & Multi-language Support: Manage multiple stores or websites within a single PrestaShop installation, catering to diverse markets. Also, supports multiple languages, facilitating content localization for different regions.

Extensive Features to Create PrestaShop Blog Posts

Our PrestaShop simple blog module allows you to create and publish well-optimized blog posts. It helps you grab user's attention and ultimately a higher organic traffic.

i. WYSWING Editor: Utilize a WYSIWYG editor to create your posts, incorporating media and other additional valuable content to craft an engaging post.

ii. Permalink: Make the permalink natural by integrating natural language also to make it friendly both for Bots and readers.

iii. SEO META's: Make use of Meta titles, Keywords, and Descriptions to enhance the visibility of a post on search engines.

iv. Post Scheduling: You can schedule your drafted post at your desired date. You can use this feature if you have a lot of content to publish.

v. Preview Post: Option to review the changes you made in the post. This will help you to have a front-end view of your post.

vi. Blog Summary: Give readers an idea of what you are discussing in the post. This you can do by adding a brief summary of your entire content.

Display Video & Images in a Slideshow

A blog is not confined to textual content only that’s why this simple blog PrestaShop module is well equipped with multimedia options. You can add images and videos to the post and make these posts eye-catching.

  • Add images to PrestaShop Blog:

Select multiple files from your computer system and upload them all at once or individually. it makes the posts attractive and worth reading.

  • Create video gallery:

You can create a complete video gallery by selecting videos from your personal computer and uploading it to the posts.

Show Related Products & Posts

Improve the bounce rate of your site by adding the related posts and products in the blog so that readers can reach out to more posts while reading one.

Displaying PrestaShop Blog on the Homepage

You can display recent posts on your store homepage. This will increase you blog engagement and user will stay informed about the latest events happening.

Blog Tab On the Product Page

You can easily navigate your users from product pages to the relevant blogs of your site.

Categories for Better arranging the Content

Smart blog PrestaShop allows you to create multiple categories in the blog section that classifies posts and sort them accordingly.

a. Add Title and Description: You can write a custom title and description for each category to differentiate it from other ones.

b. Friendly URL: Make a friendly URL for each category that is easy to understand

c. Category cover image: You can upload a cover image to make the category pages more attractive.

d. Configure Meta details: Add Meta title, keywords, and description to ensure each category page gets indexed in search engines.

e. Assign Position: Enter the position for each category to sort them into a series that looks logical.

f. Manage User Access: Select the user groups (Visitors, Guests, Customers) from the list to let the those selected users view the category.

Facebook & Email Comments

You can enable a comments section that encourages users to participate in the blog section, where they can share their opinion about the published post.

1. Configuring the Comments Section

You can set the auto comments to approve mode if you think most of the readers are the good ones, so you don't have to approve each one. Configure Google Recaptcha and stay free from spammers.

  • Auto approve comments
  • Allow only registered or guest users to comment
  • Show username
  • Enable anti-spam check
  • Show Captcha
  • Configure Google Recaptcha key

2. Adding Facebook Comments

Allow Facebook comments by users which they can do via their Facebook accounts. This option can save you from spammers, commenting with fake emails.

  • Enable /disable Facebook comments
  • Configure APP Id
  • Determine a width for the comments section
  • Selection the number of posts
  • Choose a theme i.e. dark or light
  • Sort the comments by top, newest, or oldest

Import WordPress posts to PrestaShop Blog

With a simple file import, you can carry forward an entire WordPress blog to your PrestaShop blog site. It simplifies managing your store and blog in a single control panel.

  • You can either select an XML file from a personal computer or allow the PrestaShop blog module to choose it from the history.
  • You can create a category for the blog if the import file does not contain one. It simplifies the creation of categories during blog import.

Post Slider at Blog Homepage

Add sliders to further promote your products and services in the blog section. You can select theme and effects for the slider to grab reader’s attention. You can avail the following options:

  • Enable or disable a slider
  • Select a Slider theme either default, dark, or light
  • Choose slider Effects that are random, fold, fade, slice down
  • Show Next and Previous post
  • Show pagination
  • Show thumbnail images
  • Pause on hover

Optional Blocks for PrestaShop Blog

In addition to the post, PrestaShop article module offers extra blocks to incorporate, letting you improve the user experience in finding the content on your blog. You can add a search box, a categories block, and a blog tab on product pages.

1. Display a Search block

Add a search block to your Prestashop blog and let the readers search posts and articles with a word or phrase. It simplifies exploring the blog for relevant content.

  • Enable/disable search block
  • Add a block title
  • Write a custom search button title
  • Show block on left or right side

2. Add a Categories block

Embed a categories block on either the left or right side of your blog to let the users quickly browse posts of a category they are searching for.

  • Enable/disable categories block
  • Write a block title
  • Select a number of categories to display
  • Show the block on left or right side

3. Display an Archives block

Show your blog archives to let the readers find what you have already published on the blog.

  • Enable/disable
  • Block title
  • Show number of archives
  • Show block on left or right

4. Add Recent Posts block

Enable a block for the recent posts to display the recently published blogs on your website. Try these options for customization:

  • Enable /disable
  • Block title
  • Total posts to show
  • Show view all posts
  • Show block on left/right
  • RSS subscription on left or right

Add Social Profiles

PrestaShop blog module allows you to add business social profiles to the blog section. This will let the users connect with your brand on their favorite social networking sites.

a. Add Facebook block

Enable Facebook block, add the URL, and your official FB page will show up on your website. let the users like your page and keep updated.

  • Enable Facebook block
  • Add Facebook page URL
  • Width and height
  • Hide cover photo
  • Use small header
  • Show friends faces
  • Show Facebook block on left or right

b. Add Twitter Block

You can add Twitter handler of your business as well. Enable the block, configure settings, and invite users to follow your page.

  • Enable Twitter block
  • Add your Twitter user-name
  • Widget ID – create a widget to copy and paste the code here
  • Set the Height
  • Select a Theme either Light or dark
  • Enable twitter block on left or right

Create RSS Link - Integrate External RSS Feed

Allow users to subscribe to the RSS Feed and get the recently published blogs into their feed reader application. This will save their time in knowing about a content update without sharing their details.

Using the smart blog PrestaShop, you can display a feed from external sources to your audience. Try these configuration options.

  • Add external link of the RSS Feed
  • Select the number of feeds
  • Choose a theme either Adrian, architettre, BBC, Kinda Blue, or Light Dark Blue
  • Enable RSS block on left or right

Add Banners to PrestaShop blog

With PrestaShop Blog, you can add numerous banners to your blog that may promote your products, deals, discounts, and amazing offers.

  • Enable the display of banners
  • Add banners
  • Add banner image from PC
  • Configure a banner link
  • Writer a banner description
  • Set Banner location i.e. left, right, top, bottom
  • Activate or deactivate a banner

Layout & Theme of Professional Blog PrestaShop

Select a layout that is more appealing and viable for your PrestaShop blog. You can also choose a theme and a listing view for the posts to make the front end more enticing and captivating.

  • Select a listing view – List or Grid
  • Choose a blog layout – two column left, two column right, three column, full width
  • Set a blog theme from default or Theme1
  • Select a font for the posts

PrestaShop Blog Module Basic Configuration Settings

Starting with the basic blog settings to make the blog, search engine friendly and reachable. You can choose to display the Date and comment counter or the Read more links to the posts.

All you can avail these options starting with the basic configurations.

  • Add a Blog Slug
  • Blog Page Title, Meta keywords, and Description
  • Show Posts per page
  • Add a ‘Read More’ link
  • Show Date, and comment counter
  • Show Sharing block
  • Sort Posts by Date or Alphabetical order
  • Show attached products
  • Show related posts
  • Allow comments

Recent Features added to Blog module PrestaShop

  • Two New Theme added - List View, Grid View
  • Authors section added which can also be attached to posts
  • Authors page added which shows all posts related to the particular author
  • Photo Gallery section added which has its block and page
  • Next/Previous post block added for Theme 2
  • Number of views option added for each post on the front
  • Anti Spam system added to fight spam

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is PrestaShop free?

Yes, PrestaShop is free to download and use. But modules could be purchased according to the users requirements.

Which is the Prestashop latest version?

PrestaShop 8.1.7 is the latest version of PrestaShop available since 6/24/2024

What is blog schema?

A secret language to let search engines, what your content is actually about. With Blog schema, Google will understand the blog content through schema data apart from keywords.

What is the best way to run a blog in PrestaShop?

The best way to run a blog in PrestaShop is to use a prestashop blog module, provides every functionality required to publish a blog.

What is blog module?

A PrestaShop blog module is an extension that allows you to add a blog to your PrestaShop online store. You need it to create and publish informative and engaging content, attract more visitors, improve SEO, and establish your store as an authority in your niche.

How do I add a blog to PrestaShop?

To add a blog to PrestaShop, you'll need to use a dedicated blog module or extension, as PrestaShop doesn't include native blogging functionality.

Can I customize the design of my blog with the module?

Yes, you can usually customize the design of your blog using the module. Look for options to change colors, fonts, layouts, and templates to match your store's branding.

Can I allow reader comments on my blog posts?

Yes, you can enable comments on your blog posts to encourage reader engagement. You can moderate and respond to comments to foster a sense of community.

Are there options for social sharing and promotion? 

PrestaShop blog modules offers social sharing buttons, making it easy for readers to share your content on social media platforms. This helps promote your blog and store.

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