Prestashop Quantity Discount Table Module

Quantity Discount Prestashop

Prestashop Quantity Discount Table Module

  • best module Tiered Discount Table
  • version PrestaShop
    v1.7 - v8.x

Quantity Discount Table allows you to display the available discounts on the product which are purchased in large quantities. Admin can display the tiered discount table on the listing as well as on the product page.

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Click to visit our PrestaShop Quantity Discount Table on PrestaShop Official Marketplace.

Prestashop Quantity Discount Table module lets you show a discount table on the product or listing page. The table shows the discount that customer will get if they buy the products in large quantities. This encourages people to buy more and in turn gives you more revenue.

Admin can set the discounts from the backend by using the specific price option. There are four locations that the admin can choose to show the table on the product page.

Features of Prestashop Quantity Discount Block Module

  • Enable / Disable discount table on product listing page
  • Show discount table on product page
  • Option to choose from 4 different locations for product page
  • Set discounts and product quantities from “Specific price” section of a product
  • New Feature: New menu to see already created discount rules by product
  • New Feature: Multiple options to design table, like colors and background
  • New Feature: Feature to add discount for multiple products at a time

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