Prestashop SEO

A detailed comparison of top five friendly url modules for PrestaShop. Includes pretty url by fme, Advanced SEO Friendly URLs, URL Cleaner – SEO Performance, Awesome URL and Knowband SEO Pro modules.

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Discover the five best SEO modules for PrestaShop that can boost your store's online visibility and sales. These modules offer features like automatic sitemap generation, multilingual meta descriptions, and efficient keyword optimization, saving you the hassle of manual SEO efforts. Choose the right SEO tool to enhance your PrestaShop store's performance and customer engagement.

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This blog will be a complete guide for those who might be facing issues with website redirection issues. It will explain the importance of different types of redirects, best practices to implement redirects, and last but not the least redirection module by FMEModules.

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A person having interest in eCommerce, clearly knows that there isn’t any clear winner between WooCommerce & Prestashop when it comes to comparison. Both have strengths and weaknesses of their own. In this roadblock argument, we are going to discuss which platform is best, Prestashop or WooCommerce in 2023, that will suit well to your needs.

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This blog will explore some important tips and related SEO modules for PrestaShop store optimization. Implement perfect SEO strategies to boost your search engine rankings.

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With the use of PrestaShop Print Labels Pro Module, now you have chance to save lot of your time and make your order process nearly automatic...

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With over 500+ downloads on FMEModules, We are conducting this survey to make sure the customers are benefitting from this module at its full capacity

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The slug is a combination of words or a simple phrase that removes the useless signs and defines the actual meaning. For example, a PrestaShop-based online store produce SEO friendly URLs, but still there is an ID number for each post or product.

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The simple structure of a URL means a lot to search engines and readers. A layman is unable to judge such factors, but may unintentionally ignore your website for the same reasons, just because they do not feel comfortable with browsing. Hope so, the above tips will prove helpful for URL optimization and user experience.

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Maintaining a clean URL structure is crucial for getting traffic from the search engine and making the customers understood about the link. By enabling the PrestaShop friendly url options in the default settings, you can remove most of the special characters from the links of your online stores whereas, it still adds an auto-generated ID to the links that may restrict your search engine reach and user engagement.

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