How to Create Custom Fields on Checkout Page in PrestaShop?

Posted On: Sep 4, 2018

Categories: Marketing

It is absolute desire of every e-merchant to make his store checkout’s process more smooth, unique and simple. The definite reason for that is high abandoned cart rate figure in related researches conducted by different firms.

Research on Abandoned Cart Rates

Sherpa, SeeWhy, MarketLive researches showed that 59.8%, 83% and 62.14% potential customers abandoned their carts respectively. These are quite huge figure and it is the soul desire of PrestaShop retailers to even not let a single customer to leave checkout unsuccessful.

How to make checkout simple?

Now question arises that how to make checkout more smooth for better customer checkout experience. The possible solution is to make the checkout form more simple i.e. place only the most necessary fields there and avoid to ask for useless detail from customers at checkout page.

One Step vs 5 Steps Checkout in PrestaShop

If you are using PrestaShop, then you know it well that 5 step checkout is a big hurdle for smooth checkout.  You can cut short these lengthy steps to one step fast checkout by using any of the related one step checkout plugin. For this purpose, your single page checkout should be perfect having a good design asking for only important fields from the customers.

The topic of my today’s blog is related to these checkout form fields, how they are important and how to create them easily in PrestaShop?

How Checkout form fields are important?

Do you know that you can get extra information from the customers at the checkout page? You might be thinking that why to get extra information from the customers? You can use extra information of the customers for different purposes such as

  • To enhance your services in future.
  • To market your products in a better way.
  • To convey related information to the customers easily.

Keeping the checkout really simple, you can place some extra fields along with necessary fields.

Which extra fields are useful?

Depending on your requirement you can create different extra fields on checkout page. The fields that you can create are text field, text area, date, yes/no, multi-select, drop-down, checkbox, radio button, and message only. Making use of these fields, you can ask following type of information from customers.

Common uses of extra fields

Given below some common used of above mentioned fields. I have given the example just for better understanding. You can use these fields according to your own need.

  • Text fields can be used to know exact information of something. For example, you can ask from the customers that if he works in a company, what its name.
  • Text area can be used to get 2nd or 3rd preferred address of the customers.
  • Date field can be used to ask for customer birth date, or the date when the customers seen your store etc.
  • Yes/No fields can be used to inquire about something from the customers like if he interested to pay now or COD.
  • Multi-select can be used to know that if customers want to be get information about your product through sms, postal mail, email or newsletter. Customers can multi-select these options.
  • Drop Down can be used to know the customer desire about something. Like customers can only get information about the product through sms, postal mail, email or newsletter. Customer can choose only one resource.
  • Check box can be used in the same way like multi-select.
  • Radio button can be used to select a shipping company. Customer can select a shipping company using a radio button.
  • Message only field can be used if customers want to give a custom message to the merchant.

How to create these fields?

If you’re a coding expert or have resource to implement that then get these tips to place such fields on your checkout page. Just as a tip, if you want to make use of already available solution in the market, a reliable plug-in is prestashop custom checkout fields  that is helpful to create any of the above mentioned field at the checkout page.


Following the procedure to convert 5 steps checkout to one step and then asking for only necessary fields with placement of extra fields through a planned way can help you to not only nourish your business through less abandoned cart rates but it is also important for future stability of your business.