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Insights, Tips, and Tricks for Prestashop | FMEModules Blog

This blog will explore some important tips and related SEO modules for PrestaShop store optimization. Implement perfect SEO strategies to boost your search engine rankings.

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If you’re not using a Prestashop private shop strategy, you might be missing out on significant opportunities. The PrestaShop Private Shop Module offers a complete solution to enhance your B2B e-commerce operations. It ensures that you stay ahead in the competitive market.

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Creating Prestashop SEO friendly URLs is essential for improving your website’s visibility and user experience. This comprehensive guide delves into the importance of Prestashop Friendly URLs in SEO, offering best practices and advanced techniques to ensure your URLs are optimized.

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A detailed comparison of top five friendly url modules for PrestaShop. Includes pretty url by fme, Advanced SEO Friendly URLs, URL Cleaner – SEO Performance, Awesome URL and Knowband SEO Pro modules.

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In the age of omnichannel retail, integrating a store locator into your ecommerce platform is crucial for success. This blog explores eight compelling reasons why a store locator Prestashop is essential for your business. From facilitating quick purchase decisions and saving customers time and money, to increasing in-store traffic and enhancing trust, a store locator highly improves the shopping experience.

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Custom registration fields for your PrestaShop store are essential for enhancing customer insights and improving marketing strategies. By using the Custom Registration Form, you can effortlessly gather detailed customer data, allowing you to redefine your target market, restructure your marketing strategies, and enhance customer service.

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Discover the five best SEO modules for PrestaShop that can boost your store's online visibility and sales. These modules offer features like automatic sitemap generation, multilingual meta descriptions, and efficient keyword optimization, saving you the hassle of manual SEO efforts. Choose the right SEO tool to enhance your PrestaShop store's performance and customer engagement.

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A discussion regarding the Best 5 Store Locator PrestaShop modules listed by FMM. Includes FMM Store Locator, Prestashoppe Store Locator, Webkul Store Locator, Bontheme Store Locator, themevolty Store Locator.

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This blog will be a complete guide for those who might be facing issues with website redirection issues. It will explain the importance of different types of redirects, best practices to implement redirects, and last but not the least redirection module by FMEModules.

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This blog will guide on how you can gain the attention of the customers towards your shop using Prestashop labels and stickers, its importance, pros and cons and finally how you can improve your sales.

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