PrestaShop Product Quick View module allows your website visitors to shop quickly. This module provides them product quick view on home and category pages where they can also checkout quickly. Product details are shown on a light box, this popup window opens up by clicking on the ‘Quick View’ button that is visible when customers move their mouse over a product image.
PrestaShop Quick View Module allows your website visitors to read product details such as description, reviews, images etc., and place orders from home/category pages without visiting a product page. Product information along with checkout links is shown on a light box. Customers can update product quantity, view images, and select different product options.
Quick view PrestaShop plugin shows “Quick View” button over product image on mouse over. You can change the text and image for this button. When customers click on it, a popup window opens up which shows product details and checkout links. In this way, your customers can have a quick look at your products whether they are on the home page or category page.