Easily customize My Account section of your PrestaShop store using My Account Customizer Module. Admin can also add multiple custom pages and edit them with specific needs.
No subscription fee. Free lifetime support and upgrades.
Click to visit our PrestaShop Account Customizer Module on the PrestaShop Official Store.
Some times admin need to customize my account section of Prestashop store for users so that it can accommodate more information i.e pages with important information or special offers. Using our module you can easily achieve this. Admin can also choose which pages should be visible to customers.
Who can benefit from the PrestaShop My Account Customizer Module?
How do I customize the My Account section in PrestaShop?
Why is customizing the My Account section important?
Where can I add banners or custom content in PrestaShop?
When should I update the My Account section in PrestaShop?