Prestashop Sell by Box Module gives you the option to sell products based on packs or boxes containing a number of components such as tiles, sheets etc.
Sell products on a per-pack basis using our Prestashop Sell By Box Module. A very useful module for all the shop owners who are offering products such as floor tiles, and wall sheets that usually come in packs. Users will only have to enter their required quantity, size, or length and the appropriate pack size will be calculated automatically.
Example scenario:
If you are selling a box containing 4 tiles with a total area of 20 square feet. You will set this information by going into product edit and then into the module section. Here you will enter the total area of a box i.e. 20 and then set the unit to sqft.
When a customer visits this product page, he will be asked to enter the area he required, let's say he wants 100 sqft. He will enter this area into the field and then below the quantity of product will be updated to 100/20 = 5 Boxes.
As we understand that changing the setting for each product is very time-consuming especially if you have a large store. We have included an option to set Sell By Box for multiple products at a time. Admin will need to configure a single product manually after that he can use this product to copy the same setting for other products. You will need to enter the source product ID of the already configured product, then either enter particular IDs that you want with the same setting or select one or more categories. By applying this, the Sell By Box setting from the source product will be copied to all target products.