Prestashop Back in Stock Subscription | Out of Stock Notification Module

Prestashop Out of Stock Notification

Prestashop Back in Stock Subscription | Out of Stock Notification Module

  • best module Notify about the Stock Availability
  • version PrestaShop
    1.7x- 8.x

Prestashop Back in Stock Subscription - Out of Stock Notification module allows your customers to subscribe to a product that is out of stock. Once the product is available an email will be automatically sent to the customer letting him/ her know that their desired product is now back in stock.

  1. Automatically show subscription option on all products with zero quantity
  2. List of subscribed products, available in backend
  3. User accounts have a tab showing subscribed products
  4. No subscription fee. Free lifetime support and upgrades.

Click to visit our Prestashop Back in Stock Subscription Module on Prestashop Official Marketplace.

Prestashop Back in Stock Subscription | Out of Stock Notification module allows you to cater for the products that are currently not in stock. It gives an option to your customers to subscribe to those products and once they are back in stock they will receive an email notification. This way you can even sell products with zero quantity

This module also allows merchants to update their inventory according to their exact needs. As they have a list of products that are being subscribed, from there they can make an educated guess while reordering the products. 

Once the product is back in stock an email is sent to the customers who have subscribed to that product with a direct cart link. Customers can then just make a purchase on the go. 

Users will have a list of all the products that they have subscribed to in their account section from where they can also remove any subscription if they want. Admin can also customize the text and color of the subscription button.

Features offered by Prestashop Back in Stock Subscription | Out of Stock Notification Module

      • Show Notify or Subscribe button on all products with zero quantity
      • Option to customize the button
      • User accounts have a list of products subscribed by the customers
      • Option to remove any subscriptions
      • Backend showing list of products subscribed
      • Option for admin to export subscription list as CSV
      • New Feature: Option for handling the visibility of stock block
      • New Feature: Option to select the products where subscription is allowed
      • New Feature: Option to enable disable subscription for registered or unregistered users
      • New Feature: Cronjob option added to trigger manual changes in stock
      • New Feature: Option to delete subscribers for which the email is sent

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