One Click WebP Image Conversion Prestashop Module

prestashop webp

One Click WebP Image Conversion Prestashop Module

  • best module Convert Images to webP Format
  • version PrestaShop
    v1.7 - v8.x

Automatically convert all images from your store to webP format using Prestashop webp images module, greatly reducing the size while maintaining the quality. Converting images to webP will greatly increase the site speed resulting in an enhanced user experience.

  1. One-click conversion of the whole site
  2. Increase site speed in an instant
  3. Option to select pages to convert images
  4. No subscription fee. Free lifetime support and upgrades.

Click to visit our Prestashop WebP Images module on Prestashop Official Marketplace.

NOTE: Your server must have the webp PHP extension enabled.

One-Click WebP Image Conversion Prestashop Module from FME converts all your store images to webP format with a single click. WebP is an image format by Google that reduces image size significantly without compromising the quality. 

Increasing site speed not only results in a better user experience it also gives a better ranking in search engines as site speed is a key factor in SEO (search engine optimization)

WebP Image module from FME Modules offers a simple one-click solution. You can have all of your images converted to webp in less than 5 min. Admin can set the level of compression he/she wants and can also select which pages should be converted i.e Product Images or CMS pages.


  • Convert images to webP in a single click
  • Admin can select image format for conversion
  • Option to set the compression level
  • Option to convert images only from product pages
  • Option to convert images only from category, manufacture supplier or store pages
  • New Feature: Hooks added to facilitate the webp image generation upon saving of category, product, suppliers, etc.

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