Prestashop Advance Free Shipping and Delivery Module | Free Prestashop Shipping

Prestashop Free Shipping

Prestashop Advance Free Shipping and Delivery Module | Free Prestashop Shipping

  • best module Allow Free Shipping to Customers
  • version PrestaShop
    v1.7 - v8.x

Advanced Free Shipping Module Prestashop allows merchants to offer free shipping to their loyal customers. Free shipping can be provided based on multiple rules and criteria enabled by this Prestashop shipping module. This simple and easy-to-use module also allows the admin to display custom messages on top showing the offer.

  1. No subscription fee.
  2. Free lifetime support and upgrades.

Click to visit our PrestaShop Advance Free Shipping Module on Official PrestaShop Addons.

Advance Free Shipping and Delivery Module Distinctive Features

  • Provide free shipping globally to your customers.
  • Define minimum cart value to allow free shipping.
  • Add multiple conditions to apply to the shipping methods.
  • Choose all zones in one go while creating a new shipping condition.
  • Show/hide tax & handling charges on the cart or checkout page.
  • Enable free shipping in the selected zones & countries.
  • Select shipping methods on which conditions will apply.
  • Choose a buyer group to restrict it to a few people.
  • Enable or disable particular conditions as per requirement.
  • Add custom messages along with images to show the deficit amount eligible for free shipping offers.
  • Choose to show the message on multiple pages like the product page, cart page & checkout page.
  • Add Shipping amount to evaluate shipping discounts.
  • Specify the minimum and maximum range for Price and Weight in condition.
  • Select products for shipping discount in condition.
  • Give a voucher for the shipping amount to the customer via mail when the order is placed.
  • Offer free shipping for the full amount or half of the existing shipping amount.

Free Shipping Conditions

Create flexible conditions to restrict free shipping in your store with this Prestashop shipping module. With this extension, you can set free shipping restriction conditions based on:

  • Products and categories: Restrict free shipping below a certain price.
  • Price and Weight Range: Limit free shipping based on cart and weight range. 
  • Zones and countries: Select countries and zones where you want to offer free shipping.
  • Customer Groups: Allow free shipping to your loyal customers.

Key Benefits of Advance Shipping and Delivery Module

Free shipping is a powerful tool to boost sales because people love it!  This Prestashop Shipping Module takes it a step further.  You can set up free shipping as a reward for your customers, but only when they meet certain conditions you choose. This gives you more control over your promotions and can encourage customers to spend more to qualify for free shipping.

The Advanced Prestashop Shipping Module transforms Free Shipping into a Targeted Incentive

Grab Attention with Top Bar Announcements to encourage customers to add more items to their cart to qualify.

Craft Smart Marketing Strategy and Don't offer free shipping to everyone. Choose your targeted customer groups.

Schedule Strategic Promotions by scheduling free shipping promotions for specific dates or events.

Customization for the Free Prestashop Shipping Module by Cart Value or Weight Triggers can generate sales.

Smooth Application when a customer meets your free shipping criteria, the module automatically generates a discount code for the exact amount of the shipping cost and applies it to their cart. This ensures a smooth and hassle-free checkout experience.

In short, the Advance Free Prestashop Shipping Module transforms free shipping from a simple perk into a strategic tool for driving sales and customer engagement!


Q. How will customers know how much more they need to spend to qualify for free shipping?

A. On the product page, a pop-up will inform customers of the exact amount needed to reach the free shipping threshold for their order.

Q. Where can I display the remaining amount needed for free shipping?

A. You can display this information on multiple pages throughout the checkout process to keep customers informed. This could include a product Page, Cart Page, and Checkout Page

Q. Can I offer free shipping to specific customer groups?

A. Absolutely! You have the flexibility to segment your customers and offer free shipping based on various criteria, such as: Location, Customer Group, and Order Value

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