17 eCommerce Conversion Boosters: Build an Effective Marketplace [Infographic]

Posted On: Sep 4, 2018

Categories: Conversion Optimization

Feeling the heat of competition online? Sales not growing as fast as you'd like?

We get it. The e-commerce world is booming, and standing out can be tough, the competition among the retailers is fierce. But what if you could get your hands on tips and tricks to skyrocketing sales and explosive e-commerce store growth?

To withstand the severe rivalry on the web, you need a result-oriented strategy. Worry not because we have brought you a FREE infographic, packed with 17 conversion-boosting tactics proven to turn window shoppers, and web browsers into loyal customers.

Learn how to leverage the power of product reviews, upselling, cross-selling, and more! Imagine maximizing your conversions with eye-catching multimedia and building trust with the strategic use of trust seals. It's all there, presented in a clear, easy-to-understand format.

Don't waste time scouring the web for strategies. This infographic, the fruit of a decade's worth of research in e-commerce conversion optimization is your shortcut to success, based on the 10-year expertise of e-commerce professionals Template Monster

Ready to watch your sales soar, CTR boost, and customer satisfaction? Explore the infographic now and see how it can transform your online store!

Here's a sneak peek of what you'll discover:

  • The psychology behind customer buying decisions:

Learn how to tap into what makes shoppers tick and convert them at a higher rate.

  • The magic of mobile optimization:

Ensure your store is flawless on every device, capturing every potential sale.

  • The power of social proof:

Harness the influence of reviews and testimonials to build trust with your audience.

  • Strategic use of abandoned cart recovery:

Don't let forgotten items slip away! Discover techniques to win back those almost-purchases.

Feeling curious? Ask yourself these questions:

  • Are my website visitors getting confused and leaving before buying?
  • Am I leveraging all the conversion optimization tools at my disposal?
  • Is my store mobile-friendly and optimized for the modern shopper?

If you answered yes to any of these, our infographic is for you! Explore it now and unlock the secrets to e-commerce success.

17 E-Commerce Conversion Boosters to Look Upto

1. The Power of Visuals: Images and Videos

Why it's Important:  

High-quality visuals are crucial for grabbing attention, showcasing products, and increasing trust.


Professional product photos showcase details, features, and benefits in a way text alone can't. High-resolution close-ups, multiple angles, and lifestyle shots allow customers to virtually interact with the product and feel confident about their purchase.


Videos can demonstrate product functionality in action, provide in-depth views that static images can't, and tell a brand story that connects with customers on an emotional level. This emotional connection can lead to higher conversions and brand loyalty.

2. Building Trust and Credibility

Why it's Important:

Customers need to feel confident before making a purchase online, especially when they're unfamiliar with your brand.

Customer Reviews:

Displaying positive customer reviews builds social proof. When potential customers see others recommending your products, they're more likely to trust your brand and make a purchase.

Trust Seals:

Trust seals from recognized security companies like Norton Security or McAfee Secure reassure customers that your store is secure for transactions. This reduces a major barrier to online buying and increases conversion rates.

3. Creating a Sense of Urgency

Why it's Important:

A sense of urgency can encourage customers who are browsing to make a purchase decision quickly before the opportunity disappears.

Limited-Time Offers:

Flash sales, limited-edition products, or countdown timers create a sense of scarcity. Customers are motivated to buy before the offer expires, increasing the likelihood of a conversion.

Free Shipping with a Minimum Order:

This incentivizes customers to add more products to their cart to qualify for free shipping. By increasing the total purchase amount, it can boost your overall sales.

4. Optimizing for Mobile

Why it's Important:

A significant portion of online shopping happens on mobile devices.

Responsive Design:

Ensure your website is responsive and adapts seamlessly to different screen sizes and devices. This allows for a smooth user experience on phones and tablets, preventing frustration and abandoned carts.

Mobile-Friendly Checkout:

streamlined checkout process optimized for mobile devices is crucial. Complicated forms or hidden buttons can lead to cart abandonment on mobile.

5. Leveraging the Power of Social Proof

Why it's Important:

People are more likely to trust recommendations from others than marketing messages.

Social Media Integration:

Showcase user-generated content from satisfied customers on social media. This authentic content can be highly persuasive and increase conversions.

6. Offering Clear Calls to Action

Why it's Important:

Customers need clear instructions on what to do next to complete a purchase.

Strong CTAs:

Use clear and concise calls to action (CTAs) like "Buy Now" or "Add to Cart" that are prominent and easy to find. Don't leave customers guessing about the next step.

Strategic CTA Placement:

Place CTAs near product information and at key points in the buying journey. This makes it easy for customers to take action when they're ready.

7. Simplifying Navigation and Search

Why it's Important:

Customers shouldn't get lost trying to find what they're looking for on your website.

Intuitive Navigation:

A clear and well-organized navigation menu allows customers to find the products they're interested in quickly and easily.

Search Functionality:

An effective search bar with filters and suggestions helps customers narrow down their search and find the exact products they need.

8. Utilizing Eye-Catching Multimedia

Infographics and Data Visualization:

Present complex information in an easily digestible way through infographics or data visualizations, keeping customers engaged and informed.

9. Highlighting Sales and Promotions

Sales Popups and Banners:

Strategically placed popups and banners can effectively advertise special offers and discounts, grabbing customer attention and boosting sales.

Product Badges:

Use badges or labels to highlight sale items, new arrivals, or limited-edition products, drawing customers' eyes to these attractive options.

10. Providing Exceptional Customer Service

Live Chat Support:

Offering real-time support through live chat allows you to address customer concerns and answer questions immediately, potentially saving a sale.

Multiple Contact Channels:

Provide multiple ways for customers to get in touch, such as email, phone, or a contact form. This ensures they have options for preferred communication methods.

11. Recovering Abandoned Carts

Automated Email Campaigns:

Send targeted emails to customers who have abandoned carts, reminding them of the items left behind and offering incentives to complete the purchase.

Cart Abandonment Popups:

Use exit-intent popups to offer discounts or free shipping when a customer attempts to leave a product in their cart without purchasing.

12. Optimizing for Speed and Performance

Fast Loading Times:

A slow website can lead to frustration and abandoned carts. Ensure your website loads quickly on all devices to keep customers engaged.

Mobile Optimization:

This point was covered earlier (H2 #4) but its importance is worth reiterating. A smooth mobile experience is crucial for modern online shopping.

13. Personalization and Segmentation

Product Recommendations:

Recommend products to customers based on their browsing history or past purchases. This personalization can lead to increased sales and a more engaging shopping experience.

Targeted Email Marketing:

Segment your email list and send targeted campaigns with relevant product recommendations and promotions based on customer preferences.

14. A/B Testing and Optimization

Test Different Elements:

Continuously A/B test different elements of your website, such as product images, CTAs, or layout, to see what resonates best with your audience and optimizes conversions.

Data-Driven Decisions:

Use data from A/B testing and analytics to make informed decisions about website improvements and marketing strategies.

15. Utilizing Exit-Intent Popups

Offer Incentives:

Use exit-intent popups to offer discounts or special promotions when a customer is about to leave your website. This can be a last-ditch effort to capture their attention and convert them into a customer.

Capture Email Addresses:

Even if a customer doesn't convert immediately, offer an exit-intent popup to capture their email address. This allows for retargeting with marketing campaigns and potential future sales.

16. Leveraging User-Generated Content

Customer Reviews and Testimonials:

Encourage customers to leave reviews and testimonials on your website. Positive feedback from real people can be highly persuasive.

17. Transparency and Building Trust

Clear Return Policy:

A clear and easily accessible return policy reassures customers that they can shop with confidence, knowing they have options if needed.

Secure Payment Options:

Offer a variety of secure payment options with clear security badges to build trust and encourage customers to complete transactions.

Make your return policy and security information readily available on your website. Consider including a dedicated FAQ page to address common customer questions and concerns.

By implementing these 17 conversion boosters, you can significantly improve your e-commerce website's ability to convert visitors into paying customers.

AUTHOR’S BIO: Nick Campbell, the author of this article, is fond of writing posts on various subjects, particularly web design, e-commerce, social media, marketing, business, and education. He has been involved in the content creation sphere for nearly four years. Nick is primarily focused on covering modern trends in a specific industry to help his readers keep abreast of the latest news. If you don't want to miss any brand new developments in the aforementioned topics, follow Nick Campbell on and !